Analytical measurement Services

Steady state Fluorescence

Electrochemicalworkstation –Model CHInstruments -CHI660E
Electrochemistry measurement services Voltametry,Impedance,Battery-testing,corrosion, Bulk electrolysis

FTIRSpectrophotometerModel Lambda- S7600S
FTIR sample measurement services
Absorption/Reflection/Transmission modes.

Novocontrol-Alpha Analyzer Dielectric Impedance analyser
Dielectric Impedance measurement services Permittivity’, Modulus’. Conductivity’ [S/cm], Specific Resistance’ [ohm cm], Tan [Delta], Loss angle [Delta] [deg], Capacity Cp’ [F], Impedance Zp’ [ohm], Admittance Yp’ [1/ohm] etc

Xigo-NMR based surfacearea analyser
NMR T1/T2 Measurement – Xigo, 14 MHz NMR Surface area measurement services for Suspensions/Nanop- articles/powders dispersed in any protic- solvent

Spectroscopic Thin FilmAnalyser -Filmetrics F40UV vis
System with an integrated color video camera to monitor exact film thickness measurement spot. Thickness and index can be measured in less
than a second.

Laser RamanSpectrophotometer - EnwaveModel ProRaman L
Raman sample measurement services
Raman spectrum for Solid, liquid, Thin Film can be measured

Spectrophotometer - Ocean Optics - QEPro/S2000/USB2000
Spectrometer sample measurement services Measurement for Absorption/Reflection/Emission/DRS/ Fluorescence

Optical Profilometer - Filmetrics, Profilm 3D
Optical Profilometer – Filmetrics, Profilm 3D
Noncontact measurements for Thickness, roughness for sample can be done.

LED based AAA Solar Simulator - G2V-Pico Directed
Measurement services for IV measurement for Solar cells etc available.

Laser InducedBreakdown Spectrophotometer(LIBS)-LTB- Arylle (Available Shortly)
Laser Induced
Breakdown Spectrophotometer(LIBS)-LTB- Arylle (AvailableShortly)
Measurement services for Elemental Analysis available Types of samples- Gem stone impurity, trace metal
analysis, Soil testing , Testing of forensic

Hyperspectral camera - Resonon - Model Pika II
Measurement services to get
Data Cube for sample Ananlysis
Indoor and Out door.
Types of samples- For Indoor
sample testing- soil, vegetation,
plastics , polmers etc
Out door- Any objects, buildings,
fields etc with a stage scanner

4 probe Surface resistivity
Measurement services for Sheet Resistance Measurement..
System can measure the sheet resistance of a thin layer or substrate in units of ohms per square by forcing current through two outer probes and reading the voltage across the two inner probes.
Types of samples-
Thin Flims, coating, Solar cells, conducting Flims etc

Dielectric AC Impedance

Raman Microscope

8 channel button cell battery cycle

NMR based stability Tester

Electrochemical Analyser