1400 Series 4-Channel Potentiometer/Potentiostat


4 channel voltammetry and 4 channel amperometry simultaneous, user can activate required channels or all 8 channels
Current – 10pA to 10mA, +/-0.0015%, Resolution 0.3fA
Potential – +10V to -10V, +0.001%
Scan Rate  5000V/s
Voltammetry, Pulse techniques, Biosensor study
Separate WE, RE, AE for 8 different cells or common RE & CE with 4 different modified WE

Sinsil International

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The model 1400 series is a computerized four-channel potentiometer and four-channel potentiostat. The
system contains a digital function generator and multiplexed data acquisition circuitry. The instrument can work
with eight independent cells or eight working electrodes in the same solution with common reference and counter
The potentiometer has high input impedance and low input bias current. The input range is ±10 V, allowing
dc coupled or ac coupled. A gain of 10 is also allowed. The potentiostat has a potential control range of ±10 V and
the current range is ±10 mA. The instrument is capable of measuring current down to picoamperes. Each electrode
can be individually controlled, including on/off control, potential, and sensitivity settings; each can be set to an
independent potential or the same potential as the primary channel, so that they can sweep or step potentials together
with the primary channel. The instrument allows eight independent cells, simultaneous or sequential measurements,
fast waveform generation and data acquisition speed (1M Hz @ 16-bit), and easy software update using flash
The model 1400 series can be use for array electrode characterization and sensor studies which require
simultaneous measurement at a combination of sensors requiring techniques such as amperometry or voltammetry
with sensors employing open-circuit methods, such as ion selective electrodes.
The analyzer is essential for real-time sensing at sensor arrays employing combinations of sensors for realtime detection of analytes in flux in cellular metabolism, either in 2D or 3D culture. The combination of open circuit
potential with other methods allows for the addition of ion sensors such as H+, K+, and Cl-, with sensors critical to
metabolism, such as glucose, lactate, and oxygen. Additional sensing can be achieved through the Macro function in
the Analyzer program, allowing for switching between amperometric and voltammetric measurements at the same
electrodes, or conductivity measurements to determine salinity at additional electrodes in the array. This flexibility
allows for a wide range of sensors measurements schemes.
Many electrochemical techniques are available in the 1400 series. The parameters for all channels must be
set before running an experiment; you cannot alter parameter settings during experiments. During a run, you can
toggle between single and multi-data set display (parallel or overlay plots). After a run, you can choose data from
any channel for parallel or overlay plotting.
The instrument can be controlled by an external PC running Windows XP or after. It is easy to install and
use. The instrument connects to your PC using USB (default) or serial port connectivity; no plug-in card or other
hardware is required on the PC side. The commands, parameters, and options have been written using terminology
that most chemists are familiar with. A customizable toolbar allows quick access to the most commonly used
commands. A comprehensive help system provides context-sensitive information from each dialog box.

The instrument provides many powerful functions, such as straightforward file handling, extensive
experimental control, flexible graphics, various data analyses, and efficient digital simulation. Additional features
include macro commands, working electrode conditioning, color, legend and font selection, data interpolation,
visual baseline correction, data point removal, visual data point modification, signal averaging, Fourier spectrum,
and a convenient technique-specific electrochemical equation viewer. The maximum data length is 128K – 16384K
points (selectable) if real-time data transfer is allowed.


Differences of 1400 Series Models (Potentiostatic Function Only)

Functions 1400 1410 1420 1430 1440
Cyclic Voltammetry (CV)     
Linear Sweep Voltammetry (LSV) &     
Chronoamperometry (CA)     
Chronocoulometry (CC)     
Differential Pulse Voltammetry (DPV) &     
Normal Pulse Voltammetry (NPV) &     
Square Wave Voltammetry (SWV) &     
AC Voltammetry (ACV) &     
2nd Harmonic AC Voltammetry (SHACV) &     
Fourier Transform AC Voltammetry (FTACV)     
Amperometric i-t Curve (i-t)     
Differential Pulse Amperometry (DPA)     
Triple Pulse Amperometry (TPA)     
Sweep-Step Functions (SSF)     
Multi-Potential Steps (STEP)     
Open Circuit Potential – Time (OCPT), total 5 channels     

Full version of CV simulation and fitting program











Limited version of CV simulation and fitting program     


&: Corresponding stripping mode can be performed.



Four-channel Potentiometer:

Input potential range: ±10 V

Input impedance: 1×1013 ohm

Input bias current: <=1 pA

Dc and ac coupling

Gain selection: 1 or 10


Four-channel Potentiostat:

Potential range (all channels): ±10 V

Applied potential accuracy: ±1 mV, ±0.01% of scale

Potentiostat rise time: < 2 µs

Applied potential noise: < 10 µV rms

Compliance voltage: ±12 V

Current range (each channel): 10 mA

Reference electrode input impedance: 1×1012 ohm

Sensitivity scale: 1×10-9 – 0.001 A/V in 7 ranges

Measured current resolution: 0.0015% of current range, minimum 0.3 pA

Input bias current: < 50 pA

Fast waveform updating rate: 5 MHz @ 16-bit

Current low-pass filters •  CV and LSV scan rate:

0.000001 to 5000 V/s (sequential scan)

0.000001 to 25 V/s (8 channel simultaneous scan)

Potential increment during scan:  0.1 mV @ 1,000 V/s •  CC and CA pulse width: 0.0001 to 1000 sec

  • CA and CC sample interval:

1e-6 to 50 s (sequential step)

8e-5 to 50 s (8 channel simultaneous step)

  • DPV and NPV pulse width: 0.001 to 10 sec
  • SWV frequency:

1 to 100 KHz (sequential scan) 1 to 3125 Hz (8 channel simultaneous scan)

  • ACV frequency:

1 to 10000 Hz (sequential scan) 1 to 312 Hz (8 channel simultaneous scan)

  • SHACV frequency:

1 to 5000 Hz (sequential scan)

1 to 250 Hz (8 channel simultaneous scan)

  • FTACV frequency: simultaneously acquire 1st, 2nd, 3rd,

4th, 5th, and 6th harmonics ACV data

0.1 to 50 Hz (sequential scan) 0.1 to 34 Hz (8 channel simultaneous scan) •  i-t sample interval:

1e-6 s to 100 s (sequential step)

8e-5 s to 100 s (8 channel simultaneous step)


Other features:

  • Fast data acquisition: up to 1 MHz @ 16-bit for single channel, 12.5K Hz for 8 channel simultaneous
  • Independent cells or a multi-working electrode cell
  • Simultaneous eight channel measurements or sequential single channel measurements for higher speed and better signal averaging
  • Current and potential analog output
  • Cell control: purge, stir, knock
  • Maximum data length: 128K-4096K selectable
  • Dimensions: 25”(W) × 9.25”(D) × 4.75”(H)  
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